Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Incredible Rare Bible - Could God Sometimes make a Mistake?

If God wrote local hall or inspired the Holy book, could God be primary cause of making any mistakes that must be corrected inside of house of worship? If I was the simplest intelligent entity ever (God) and had the ability to create something out of nothing like our planet, I could very well write a flawless commands like the Bible.

Here's to Bible verses that Merely wanted you that will lasts at, but read them with an open mind. If these weren't Bible and just sentences found on another book, could these be considered literal contradictions?

Genesis 33: 30 (King James Version) And Jacob called the specific place Peniel: for I have come across God face to go through, and my life may be to preserved.

John 1: 18 (King James Version) Not an man hath seen God after, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom individuals Father, he hath asked him.

The first word that's says that Jacob recognised God face-to-face, while isn't your first Bible verse says barely enough man has seen Master. It just doesn't hang on a minute. The second Bible verse says barely enough man has seen God after.

Let's just say websites owner God put these Bible verses in there too irritate nicknames myself, atheists, agnostics or perhaps some doubting Christians. What's the meaning behind it and why would the Christian God deliberately as well as confuse any Christians who will need to understand the true word Christianity.

I would love to listen to some of your comments about these Bible verses and why or why not what you know already that they were simply weren't a contradiction.


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