Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nutrition and Hydration equipped Elderly

The elderly often show less interest in eating and weight loss may become quiet noticeable. They may also lessen drinking as much - when they have problems with incontinence. In the face of advanced dementia and/or a trouble-free terminal illness, this disinterest in food and drink can become even worse. Family dinners become less of dinner parties and more a competitor of wills as children focus your meals on what is being eaten and much is being ate. If there is extreme weight reduction, artificial nutrition or hydration may also be considered.

Before considering alternative solutions to nutrition and hydration there are certain questions that must be asked:

  • Has there been a brand swallow study (Modified Barium Swallow) done to rule out a physical problem making swallowing difficult? Muscle strength typically decreases as we age. This decrease in muscle bound strength can effect the muscle mass involved in swallowing. Strokes or TIAs ("mini"-strokes) can affect the muscle control required to swallow effectively.

  • Are ill-fitting dentures or poor dentition to blame for a decrease in having? If dentures do not fit well, eating can become problematic and even painful. Chewing and eating can also be difficult if natural teeth don't work or missing.

  • Is there a fear of drinking or eating because of problems with incontinence? The elderly often have problems with incontinence and may stay away from or drinking if they are afraid that they'll have an "accident" or not satisfying you have easy access to your bathroom when needed.

  • Is depression a factor? Clinical Depression can cause a lack of appetite which may result to shed weight. Depression can also cause a lack of interest in activities example family dinners, eating away, etc.

  • Are medications to blame? Many medications can cause a lack of appetite or make toys "taste funny".

  • Is dementia a factor? Elderly people with dementia may forget how you can prepare food, how to add themselves, or how to chew and swallow.

  • Is a decrease in appetite caused by a terminal illness? One from the problems encountered with terminal illness is a natural decrease in hunger and thirst perhaps a body prepares for dying. Medical professionals should be dragged into helping patients and their families to understand the disease process and can be so impact on nutrition and gaze after swallowing.

If alternative means concerned nutrition and/or hydration are now being considered certain questions should be considered:

  • Will alternative nutrition/hydration brush up nutritional status?

  • Will alternative nutrition/hydration decrease potential risk of disease or prevent problem?

  • Will alternative nutrition/hydration help to increase life expectancy?

  • Will alternative nutrition/hydration improve the quality of life?

  • Is alternative nutrition/hydration a short-term or maybe long-term intervention?

  • What are the risks involved with option nutrition/hydration?

  • Are there any points to consider if alternative nutrition/hydration happens, but there is the "change of heart"?

All of these questions need to be considered very carefully before taking steps to pursue alternative strategy of nutrition. Professionals need to educate families on the benefits and contra-indications of tube-feedings, nutritional supplements, appetite stimulants, etc. before a decision is made. This education needs to be specific to the patient involved and cater for the overall medical condition regarding patient.


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