Saturday, December 7, 2013

Benefits and drawbacks of Drug Testing on the job

Drug testing in the workplace is a controversial player, but many people they can be a mind the testing because they're betting that they are drug free. Those who have at least one illicit drug in their bodies are they who usually cry away that drug testing will never be fair. Many websites who may offer products to adulterate drug tests give pages and pages of advice on you can outsmart drug tests. Some extra, they make their money from selling thousands of items to help drug users act that is illegal.

The Civil Liberties Association (ACLU) is against drug testing in the workplace for several reasons. Their main argument has not fair or necessary to force individuals who're not suspected of drug use and who work for their employers. They assert that "when someone's jobs performance is satisfactory, to 'prove' their innocence from a degrading and uncertain procedure that violates personal privacy" is not fair (ACLU Briefing World-wide-web page Number 5).

Another argument of this group is the urine tests don't show when a drug utilized; they merely show having your metabolites or leftover remnants from a drug that was enjoyed. For example, their argument pronounces if an employee smoked cigarettes marijuana on Saturday, he or she could test positive on Wednesday frauds no longer under really influence and perfectly capable of singing at their job.

It is another concern that mandatory drug testing in the workplace can reveal medical issues that an employee is taking medications in order to handle, such as depression, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes. Urine tests can reveal pregnancy. Employers might use this information against someone else when considering them with a specific promotion, transfer, or other reason even though it is against the law to work on this.

The other side in your coin is that employers are losing a lot of cash by having employees intoxicated by drugs and alcohol. These employees cost them more in medical insurance claims, Worker's Compensation, loss productivity, absenteeism, and a few other losses. They bring down the morale of these workers who do not use drugs and have a single article for a worker who is high or drugged. Since these employees are working outside of the employer's site, it is his or her business whether or not the person is under the influence of drugs.

Drug testing in work can be done in a way that is respectful to the employee. It does not will be unfair and degrading with testing is done at as a professional drug testing company.


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